Testing times: Starmer criticises government approach to test and trace

Published by Florence McCrae on June 25th 2020, 9:09am

In yesterday’s PMQs, the Labour Leader pressed Boris Johnson on how effective the NHS test and trace system will be in England.

Sir Keir Starmer said it was a "big problem" that only 10,000 people with coronavirus had been reached, while there were estimates of up to 33,000 cases. Johnson took the opportunity to criticise Starmer for not supporting the government.

Starmer continued, asking the whereabouts of a tracing app, which was promised to be in place by 1 June. He said: "we need an effective track, trace and isolate system", continuing that: "The prime minister promised a world-beating system would be in place by 1 June.”

While Starmer did note his party’s support for the loosening of lockdown measures from 4 July, he asked the prime minister: "I do recognise the hard work that has gone into this, but if two thirds of those with Covid-19 are not being reached and asked to provide contact details, there is a big problem, isn't there?"

Johnson defended the current state of the test and trace system, stating that Starmer had been "stunned by the success of the test and trace operation", and continuing that: "contrary to his prognostications of gloom, it has got up and running much faster than doubters expected."

He further accused the leader of the opposition of "inadvertently giving a false impression of what test and trace is doing" and that "the vast majority of those who test positive and their own contacts and getting them to isolate".

Starmer concluded that: "65,000 people have lost their lives because of Covid-19. The prime minister should welcome challenge that could save lives rather than complaining about it."

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Authored By

Florence McCrae
Literary Editor
June 25th 2020, 9:09am

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