Coalfields Regeneration Trust boosts employment prospects in Fife through CRT Worx programme

Published by Rhys Taylor-Brown on April 2nd 2022, 12:12am

Six candidates who have recently undergone the Coalfields Worx [CRT Worx] programme have successfully completed the course and have since secured full time employment in the Fife area of Scotland.

The programme aims to provide those furthest away from the labour market a bridge back into the world of work by improving the general employability of participants. The core feature of the CRT Worx programme is to provide paid work, alongside with training and mentoring.

The project was delivered in Kincardine and the west Fife villages in partnership with the Fife Employment Access Trust. Following this initial success, it is now being rolled out in the East Ayrshire region, part funded by the Coalfield Regeneration Trust [CRT] and providing employment for one year for young people from East Ayrshire’s coalfield areas.

The success of the six individuals completing the programme in Fife has brought about a 100 per cent employment outcome for the first crop of trainees put forward for the project, including the supervisor.

Some of the roles subsequently secured by the successful candidates include a groundskeeping position at Stirling University, operative role at BAM Construction and an environmental service provider at Fife Council.

Nicky Wilson, trustee at the CRT, commented: “Job market shortages have affected many over the last few years and continues to heavily affect those in the coalfield communities. The CRT Worx programme was set up to make a real difference and give people confidence to get back into jobs. We are delighted it has gone so well, with the team going above and beyond and really embracing it. The fact that they have all now secured job placements is fantastic and really exemplifies the benefit of initiatives like this.

“Following the success [in Fife], we’re looking forward to rolling it out into other communities that could benefit from the programme. Congratulations to all those involved.”

Ross Sinclair, Coalfields Worx supervisor, added: “I’m grateful to have been able to take the trainees through CRT Worx. As someone from the community, I know it’s been a difficult few years for many and initiatives like this are worth their weight in gold.

“A lot of the time, people don’t know they already have the required skill set. This programme was all about improving them and building up confidence to take themselves forward.”

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

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Authored By

Rhys Taylor-Brown
Junior Editor
April 2nd 2022, 12:12am

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